7 Bath Time Products You Need for a Splashin’ Good Time
October 30, 2020
Author: Regalo Baby
We want you and your child to enjoy bath time. Hopefully, most of the water stays in the tub, but more importantly, we hope your little one enjoys their experience every time and stays safe.
There is a deluge of bath time products on the market and an infinite number of social media posts to scare you, which makes it difficult to decide what to buy.
We’ve outlined the bath time products for making tub time a success at your house, as well as highlighted the features that will make it as tear free as possible.
Place a Bath Mat in the Tub
Nothing’s more endearing than a naked little tushie in the bathtub, but it sure is slippery! Look for a bath mat that will suction properly to the base of the tub to avoid slipping around.
If your child is prone to pulling the plug while sitting in the bath, place the bath mat over the plug to deter bath time from ending too soon.
Use a Sensitive Shampoo
A rich lather of sensitive shampoo is just what your child’s gentle skin needs. Read the ingredients on the bottle of shampoo you choose, because not all soaps are created equally.
The most common offenders in baby soap are added fragrance, parabens, propylene glycol, and sodium laureth sulfate.
If you feel overwhelmed with the list, simply download an app on your phone, such as Think Dirty. Once you scan a product barcode, the app will tell you if there are potentially toxic ingredients.
Choose Good Quality Toys
Toys in the bath can give your child the opportunity for imaginative play and more fun! Count the ducks as you line them in a row, or have a grand duck parade while blowing bubbles on your adoring fans.
Look for bath time products that are 100% natural and non-toxic (check out Oli & Carol).
Hang a Toy Scoop to Store Toys
A toy scoop that is breathable and able to hang on the wall to air dry is vital to keeping the mold at bay. Mold can begin to grow on wet toys in as little as 24–48 hours, which is why it’s important to let them air dry once bath time is done.
Look for a toy scoop that is durable and has a locking suction cup to stay upright even with a mountain of toys.
If mildew has formed on your toys, mix three-quarters cup of chlorine bleach per gallon of warm water, and let them soak for five minutes.
Place a Bath Kneeler on the Floor
Once you become a parent, you may feel as if you aged 10 years over night. All the bending over, kneeling, and carrying a child on your hip can be hard on the body.
Bath time is no different—kneeling on a hard floor hurts your knees after a while.
Find a bath kneeler that offers proper padding and can be hung to dry since we all know that not all the bath water stays in the tub.
Use a Hooded Towel to Dry Off
Children avoid getting out of the bath because they have learned from experience how cold they feel when the water evaporates on their skin.
A large hooded towel usually does the trick to cover from head to toe and warm your little one up fast.
Gently Moisturize Post Bath
Lock in the moisture by massaging a gentle lotion into your child’s skin. Most experts recommend using a moisturizer every day since a baby’s skin is thinner and more prone to irritation.