12 Bath Time Hints for Toddlers Who Hate Bath Time
November 04, 2020
Author: Regalo Baby
Has your once cooperative baby turned into a temper tantrum throwing toddler when it’s time to take a bath? You’re not alone.
There should be a support group for parents of toddlers who hate bath time. Because we have not found such a support group, we asked a large group of moms for their bath time hints to get their toddler through the trauma of bath time.
For some toddlers, it is water in the eyes for others it’s staying seated in the tub. Whatever ails your child during tub time – we have a few hints to get them through.
How to Get Them to Get in The Tub
The first battle in the “I hate bath time” saga is getting your toddler in the tub. If your child fights the tub, try one of these tips used by other parents.
“We use an organic bubble bath and have found if I fill the tub with bubbles, my little girl is more excited about the idea of a bath” – Danielle J.
“I have started to make my own natural dyes and will put a few drops in the tub to color the water. I let my son choose what color he wants to take a bath in that night. It really helps him get excited about getting in the tub.” – Coleen
“It has helped tremendously for our 4-year daughter to take a bath at the same time as our 20-month-old – as soon as my little girl sees her sister in the tub she is happy to climb in too” – Brenna B.
How to Avoid Getting Water or Shampoo in Their Eyes
Getting water or shampoo in eyes can be painful and is one of the biggest reasons children (and parents) start to dread bath time. These mamas have gotten creative in order to avoid the issue.
“I put some butterflies on the ceiling above the tub. When I need to wash my baby’s hair, I just ask “Where are the butterflies” and she looks up to find them.” – Alicia L
“I use a watering can on my son’s hair to rinse it. The flow of water can be controlled better and he likes to be watered so he can ‘grow’.” – Christy F.
“My little girl resisted water being poured on her head, so I started to use a turkey baster to gently get his head wet and rinse soap off.”- Elene F.
How to Get Enough Time to Properly Shampoo Them
Once they are finally situated in the tub, a real bath is in order – not just play time. It can be troublesome to get a toddler to break away from playing to wash their hair and body. If that is the case for you, these hints will be helpful.
“I have a plastic tub mirror on the wall so my little girl can watch me shampoo her hair. Sometimes I make funny hairdos and she loves it.” – Courtney B.
“To make washing hair more fun, I use the suds to make a horn or other design on my boys’ heads. They like playing monster with each other and it helps them not mind the shampooing.” Kathryn T.
“I let my daughter choose her own shampoo. She likes the ownership of it. She also “helps” rinse her hair with a cup, which keeps her from being as upset with water on her face.” – Kristi R.
How to Get Them to Stay Seated
It seems as if all kids go through a phase of wanting to stand in the tub. Some pass through it quickly, while others don’t. If you’re little one always wants to stand, try one (or all) of these tips.
“EVERY TIME my son stood up in the tub I would say “Oh I guess it’s time to get out”. He quickly learned to sit down and that if he stayed seated, his play time in the tub would be longer.” – Kim G.
“I learned to keep all toys that stick to the bath tub down very low in the tub. This helped alleviate the desire to move around and stand up to reach things.” – Andrea I.
“I started using a towel at the bottom of the tub so my little girl wouldn’t slip. Every time she slipped she would want to stand up. I upgraded to using a bath mat and that really keeps her from sliding.” – Tiffany K.