October 05, 2022

Spooky Pizza Cutouts

Spooky Pizza Cutouts

Kick off spooky season with these yummy pizza cutouts!
They are easy, fun, and simply eerie-sistbale!



  • Pizza Crust
  • Pizza Sauce
  • Cheese
  • Toppings of choice!

Don’t forget your Halloween Shaped Cookie Cutters!



Step 1: Cut out your pizzas out of the dough using the cookie cutters. 

Step 2: Spread your sauce over your cutouts.

Step 3: Add your toppings!

  • Create cutouts from your cheese
  • Use olives for eyes or create a spider
  • Make faces out of pepperoni

Step 4: Follow your dough’s instructions to bake.

Step 5: Let cool and enjoy!